Nathan's Site


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Getting My Deck Back

This took a while

, Steam Deck

Getting TSA PreCheck

Take my fingers, I don't want them any more

, Flying

Hacking My Clock

Do what I want

, Clocks

Playdate With the Playdate

Waiting on my Deck

, Playdate, Gaming

Adding a Random Post Button

Where will it take me?

, Web, Hugo

Watching Plane Crash Documentaries, On A Plane

Why would I do such a thing

, Flying

A Day Off

It's been a bit

, Personal

Adding Spellcheck

Another thing I should have done sooner

, Web, GitHub

The Mac in the Sky

Building my site on a cloud Mac

, Web, Hugo, GitHub

Sending My Deck In

Not the house kind

, Steam Deck

Fancy Pictures

It goes in and out of dark mode

, Web

Getting Evil

Nutty geocaches

, Geocaching

A Few Days in the Sun

UV radiation be damned

, Geocaching

Time for a New Phone

Upgrading early

, iPhone

Omnifocus 4 Is a Mess

This is a downgrade

, Rant, Thoughts, Omnifocus

They Did It

Holy shitballs, they did it!

, Rockets, Starship

I Need a Task Manager

It's over due

, Thoughts, OmniFocus

Some Relaxing After Work Mini-golf

, VR, Gaming

It Is Done

Goodbye Mastodon

, Mastodon

Upcoming Flights

You can't take the sky from me

, Flying, Football

12/24h Pick One

2PM comes after 1900

, Rant

Adding Micro Posts

So tiny

, Web, Hugo

The Network That Isn't

Everyone can join, except everyone

, Thoughts, Web, Mastodon


This is some fast food

, Raspberry-Pi

The Playdate Console

It is yellow

, Playdate

Leaving Social Media


, Thoughts, Mastodon

Why Does Buying Tickets Suck

I just want to go to a game

, Rant, Football

Checking Out a New Museum

We're closed, please come in

, Museums

I See You Mr Plane

And I can hear you screaming

, Hackrf, Plane Spotting

RSS Syncing Is a Mess

You have 600 unread items


Waiting on a Yellow Slab

No, it's not cheese

⚠️: Post has update, click to view
, Playdate, Rant, Post Update

Chatting With Kev

I didn't pay postage, shh

, Penpals

Making A Simple Link Shortener

That link is too long

, Web

Hugo on a Raspberry Pi 1

This does not taste good

, Web, Hugo, Raspberry-Pi

Time Is Hard

Yesterday was one year ago

, Web, Hugo

Changing How I Host This Site

Reducing insanity

, Web

Self Service Test Drive

Test drive a car, you found at a mall

, Cars

Loosing What You Bought

Was it yours to start with?

, Thoughts

To Things From RSS Test Post

Checked luggage costs extra

, Web

Oil Time

Knock knock, it's the U.S.

, Cars

Sending a Flag to Alaska

By hiding it behind a cat

, Geocaching

New Blog

Don't worry

Should Everything Work With Everything?

Should it?

, Rant

Getting a Hackrf

A hacky little thing

, hackrf

Hurry Up USPS

Where's my stuff?

, hackrf, Rant

Canada Bans the Flipper Zero

No dolphins for you

, Flipper Zero

Back to BWI

Home is the crabland

, Denver 2024, Vacations, Flying

Skiing Vail

Time to ski

, Denver 2024, Skiing, Vacations

Flying Back to Denver

Here we go again

, Denver 2024, Vacations, Flying

Running Halo on an ARM Mac

Satan would be proud

, Mac, Gaming

Vision Pro Demo

I can see now!

, Vision Pro

The Prep Run

Falling down a mountain

, Denver 2024, Skiing, Winter

Update: First Snow

There's mooooore!!!

, Winter, Personal, Post Update

First Snow

All wheel drive into a ditch

, Winter, Personal

Pain in the Pass

Just let me ski

, Denver 2024, Skiing, Vacations

Why Not to go Static

I'm not talking about the TV kind

, web

Puking in VR

It looks so real

, VR

The Time I Broke My Foot, and Didn’t Know

The purple flesh balloon

, Personal, Broken Bones


, Movies, Wonka

My Regular Watches

, Watches

My Smart Watch Journey

, Watches, Apple Watch, Pebble

Running on Time

, Apple Watch

The Christmas Haul

, Christmas, Football

A Basic Site Template

Where will it take me?

, Web, Hugo

My Picky Monitor

, Steam Deck, Monitors

My Home Lab

, Networking, Home Lab


, Steam Deck

Adding Tags

, Web, Hugo

The Phones I've Used

New Road Who This

, UASs

Writing a Post

No pencil needed

, Web, Apple Shortcuts

My New Old Webcam

, Old Game Systems

Being Lazy With Shortcuts

, Web, Apple Shortcuts

My Website Journey

, Web

Default Things 2023

You Need a Website

, Web

Pen-Pal Thing

New New Site

Now with more static

, Web, Hugo

Stealth Flipper

, Flipper Zero, Apple Shortcuts

Making a Fast As Hell Flash Drive

Turning Off Analytics For Now

, Web

System Source Museum

, Old Computers, Museums

The Secret Guest Network

They will never know

, Networking

Flying Home

, Denver 2023, Vacations, Flying

Flight Update 3

Testing my luck

, Air Craziness, Denver 2023, Vacations, Flying

Flight Update 2

, Air Craziness, Denver 2023, Vacations, Flying

Flight Update

, Air Craziness, Denver 2023, Vacations, Flying

New Mastodon Handle

, Air Craziness, Denver 2023, Vacations, Flying

The Day-cation

, Vacations, Museums, Flying

The Need to Immediately Replace

PaintBoy Advance

, Old Game Systems