Nathan's Site

RSS Feeds

If you want an easy way to keep up with what I post, then RSS is the way to go. RSS lets you check one program (or site) to catch up on a large number of things.

This website has a number of RSS feeds. Take a look below for a breakdown, and links.

Main Blog

For the main one1, just put into your RSS reader, it’ll automatically find the right link. Or you can just click this button.

Subscribe to main RSS feed

Each tag also has its own RSS feed. This let’s you subscribe to just one, or more than one thing I like to talk about here. Head on over to the tags page and take a look.

Fatorio Blog

You can also subscribe to my Factorio blog’s feed if you’d like, at Or click this button.

Subscribe to factorio blog RSS feed

  1. The one with my main blog posts. ↩︎