Yes, you read that title right. I sent a DMCA takedown request to myself… by accident… How?
Logs & A Domain
While going through the NGINX logs for this site, I came across something odd. A long, semi-random domain was referring traffic to my site. That’s odd. So, I went to that domain, and… there was my site. Someone was rehosting it… Great.
Doing some digging, I found that the domain was created on 10/8, just last month. I also checked what ssl certificates were issued. Just a few wildcards on the same date. Sketchy.
So I submitted an abuse report to the domain’s registrar, and a DMCA takedown to Cloudflare, who forwarded it to the VPS provider.
The Email
Later that day, I got an email from DigitalOcean. Someone submitted a DMCA takedown request against my VPS… What? Reading the request, it was mine. As in the one I wrote. I DMCA’d myself.
The email was labeled as “No Action Required”. Probably because the email address I used to submit the complaint was the same as the one I use for my DigitalOcean account.
So, someone with a weird domain is pretending to be my site, using my VPS1… Interesting.
I needed to stop this weirdo. So I started looking into locking down when my server responds, and to what.
First thing I did was enable HSTS. Forcing the browser to use port 443, instead of just 80. I also submitted my site to the HSTS preload list. This didn’t stop the weird domain, just made my browser flip out when going to it. That’s good, but I want to kill it.
I needed NGINX to only respond to traffic that uses my domain. And not the naked IP addresses. This was pretty simple, though it took a bit to get NGINX to stop bitching about the config.
And with that, it’s dead.
In short, config your web server properly.
Lessons Learned
So yeah, I learned a bit here. How to “properly” configure a web server, and what could happen if you don’t.
With some of this in mind, I spun up a honeypot where I did none of this. Going to be cool to see what it catches.
By using, they are pointing their DNS record to a CloudFlare IP, which is then passing traffic through to the IP of my VPS. They didn’t gain access to my VPS. ↩︎