🎄 NTHP 🎄

New Mastodon Handle

Air Craziness, Denver 2023, Vacations, Flying

This post is over a year old. The information here may be out of date, and may not reflect my current thoughts or opinions.

Note: This post is old and I have moved to Fosstodon

With the shutting down of Crabland.social1, I’ve migrated my account to a new server.
I’m using the same hosting provider Masto.host, just can’t beat their pricing. My new server is a singer user one (not running in single user mode, because I think it looks ugly), mstdn.nthp.me. I’m going to try and cut down the amount of domains I own (too many), so I’m going to be tying more things to my main one (this one).

That’s pretty much all I got, if you were following my old Mastodon account, you should be automatically following my new one @nthp@fosstodon.org. I’m also posting this form an airport, so that’s neat… my flight got delayed though…

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